Prepared for publication by: G. P. Moss, P. A. S. Smith, D. Tavernier.
Composition of the Joint Working Party (1980-1994): H. J. T. Bos, A. J. Boulton, E. W. Godly, P. Grünanger, A. D. McNaught, G. P. Moss, R. Panico, J. Rigaudy, P. A. S. Smith (Convenor), J. H. Stocker, D. Tavernier, (from Commission III.1); R. A. Y. Jones, J. March, J. M. McBride, P. Müller (Convenor) (from Commission III.2).
School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London,
Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS, UK
The definitions used in this glossary are identical to those in the published document, see G.P. Moss, P.A.S. Smith and D. Tavernier, Pure and Applied Chemistry, 67, 1307-1375 (1995) [Copyright IUPAC; reproduced with the permission of IUPAC]. If you use any of these definitions please cite this reference as their source. A PDF of the printed version is available.
See also R Panico, J-C Richer and J Rigaudy, 'Noms de classes fonctionelles des composés organiques' in Nomenclature et Terminologie in Chimie Organique. Classes fonctionelles. Steréochimie. reprinted from Techniques de l'Ingénieur, Paris, 1996, 38-77 (K230, 1-40 in encyclopaedia). (in French) and J.Gawroński, Glosariusz nazw klas związków organicznych i reaktywnych produktów pośrednich oparty na strukturze (Zalecenia 1994), Wiad. Chem. 2006, ISBN 978-83-88555-48-0 (in Polish)
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As well as an Introduction all class names included are listed alphabetically in the following files: A; B; C; D,E; F,G; H; I; K,L; M; N; O; P; Q,R; S; T; U-Z. Each class name then leads to a file of definitions of class names of related substances. These in turn may lead to other files from cross-references. Related classes are grouped together under the following headings.